Post by r***@verizon.netMy AMI D 80 stopped rejecting the records, the switch does not seem to do anything when the tonearm gets to the end of the record, all wires are securely attached to the switch. Help please?
Chances are your gripper motor has jammed itself because the cam
switches are either dirty, corroded, or out of adjustment. The fuse
should have blown in the control box - assuming it was the factory 1A
fast blow recommendation. If overfused you WILL sooner or later (if not
already) burn out the motor armature ($150USD or more to replace). A
fuse blowing doe not mean the fuse is underrated - it means something is
wrong and needs attention. Consider fuses the fire alarm for machines,
if it goes off you don't simply cover it with a pillow (over value the
fuse), you find the cause!
To unjam the gripper motor remove teh small cover and back the motor up
a wee bit with a screwdriver pushing against the steel plates or the
rotor, taking great care to not damage the copper windings or armature!
Or loosen the motor mount screws (3) and move the motor very slightly
back (1mm or 1/8") if you prefer, to release the jam on the motor, and
you can then turn the armature backwards with the spindle that sticks
out the end.
The cam switch adjustments are shown in the operators service manual for
your machine - any manual from AMI D through G is much the same for the
cam switches.
John :-#)#
(Please post followups or tech inquiries to the USENET newsgroup)
John's Jukes Ltd. 2343 Main St., Vancouver, BC, Canada V5T 3C9
(604)872-5757 or Fax 872-2010 (Pinballs, Jukes, Video Games)
"Old pinballers never die, they just flip out."