Rockola CD8 Jukebox battery replaced but now have Programming Issue
(too old to reply)
2015-07-20 11:50:47 UTC
I am working on a Rock Ola CD-8 Bubbler jukebox that is in my home and only used occasionally.It had lost the programming and so I measured the onboard NiCad battery and only had 1.25 volts and so I replaced with a Radio Shack 3.6v 700mah battery pack and installed outside the
Control Computer.
Was able to power up and reset the unit back to Free play. The issue I am having is that the programming to be able to play a complete album is not taking for some reason.
Am able to get to S-4, 2 and then enter a number but when I try to enter 0 so that it will play the complete album all I get is a dash(-). After I save this it will not play the complete album, maybe 3 or 4 songs, replaces the cd, scans again and selects the cd again and plays the next song.

I am no expert but is it possible that I had to remap all the cds also? After I did the battery replacement all I did was set it to free play mode and try to enter the programming to play the complete album.

Could someone please help me in explaining to me what I should reprogram in order to get back to normal.


2015-07-22 03:21:04 UTC
Hi Tony, Yes after a battery failure you must remap all the CD'

2015-07-26 11:30:07 UTC
Hi Tony, Yes after a battery failure you must remap all the CD's
Hello Jeff and thanks for the reply. I remapped all the cd's and there still seems to be an issue where if I select one cd and play the album ( Press 00) then it may play 2-3 songs and then place the cd on the carousel, complete one revolution and then the same cd is selected but starts at the next song. Is this normal? I assumed it played the complete cd when selected, without putting it back in the carousel.

Thanks for any replies.

John Robertson
2015-07-26 16:10:12 UTC
Post by twistertime
Hi Tony, Yes after a battery failure you must remap all the CD's
Hello Jeff and thanks for the reply. I remapped all the cd's and there still seems to be an issue where if I select one cd and play the album ( Press 00) then it may play 2-3 songs and then place the cd on the carousel, complete one revolution and then the same cd is selected but starts at the next song. Is this normal? I assumed it played the complete cd when selected, without putting it back in the carousel.
Thanks for any replies.
There may be an option setting that stops the playback of an album after
4 songs and it then does a quick search to see if anyone else made a
subsequent selection so they don't have to wait an unreasonable length
of time.

Wurlitzer has such a setting for album play it can be adjusted from 1 to
XX tunes played from the same CD (album selected) before doing a hunt
for other selections.

Should be in the settings menu of your manual...

John :-#)#
(Please post followups or tech inquiries to the USENET newsgroup)
John's Jukes Ltd. 2343 Main St., Vancouver, BC, Canada V5T 3C9
(604)872-5757 or Fax 872-2010 (Pinballs, Jukes, Video Games)
"Old pinballers never die, they just flip out."
J.B. Wood
2015-07-27 10:22:11 UTC
On 07/20/2015 07:50 AM, twistertime wrote:

If it don't play 78s or 45s it ain't a "jukebox" ;-) Automatic music
machine maybe, but not a jukebox. Sincerely, from a boomer,
J. B. Wood e-mail: ***@hotmail.com
2015-07-30 03:12:57 UTC
Hi Tony

I remember a small door Black amp Rockola setup that I had a few year
ago that would only play a few songs of an album when the entire albu
was requested, it would play 5 songs, put the CD back then select i
again and play the next 5 songs etc... until it played the entire album
It didn't matter what was coded for tracks in a row.... I'm pretty sur
that I had the computer chip flashed with a newer version and th
problem went away

What year is your machine? Does it have AMI Rowe Guts or Rockola Guts?

If its a late 1980's Ami Row guts machine, make sure the following i
coded, If its an early Rockola machine, look for the followin
equivalents in the programming when you go thru the menus... especiall
for tracks in a row

55 - FREE PLAY to O

65 - ALBUM BUY to O

67 - TRKS IN A ROW to 9

6992 – FREE ALBUM to ON

691 FREE PLAY to FIFO &#8211

If its a Rockola guts machine, look for the equivalent commands above..

Rock-Ola Quick Find Reference Programmin

To program, open front door then “double click” red button
From the SETUP MODE enter the 2 or 3 digit number and push the HIT
button. To change settings, press HITS to make setting flash then Toggl
choices with #1 and #2 or enter numeric value. Pres
HITS to lock in setting. Use left and right “Turn Pages&#8221
buttons to navigate menus

10 Ma
11 Track Lockout
12 Disc Lockout
13 Special Disc
14 Special Vide
15 View Track Lockout
16 Clear Track Lockout
17 View Disc Lockout
18 Clear Disc Lockout
19 View Special
20 Clear Special

25 Page
26 Set Last Pag
27 Set Home Pag
28 Home Dela
29 Remote Page

30 Track Limi
31 Track Tim
32 Album Selec
33 Play Orde
35 Bd Track Loc
36 Bd Disc Loc
37 Clear Select Tim
38 Clear Credit Tim
39 Priority Ds

40 Auto Pla
41 Backgroun
42 Aux. Backgrn
43 Background Vol
44 End Styl
45 Hits Butto

50 Free Pla
51 Clear Fre
52 Password F
53 Free Specia
54 Free Album
55 Remote Credi
56 Free Selection

60 Unit Pric
61 Input Rate
62 Pricing Level
63 Credits Spec
64 Recirculate Lv
65 Acct. Uni
66 Timed Bonu

70 Remote Powe
71 Serv. Credit
72 Clear Selection
73 Clear Credit
74 Set Clock/Dat
75 Messag
76 Scroll Rat
77 Auto Clea
78 Volume Rang
79 Vol Control Optio

80 PW 1 Securit
81 PW 2 Securit
82 PW 3 Securit
83 Serial Nu
84 Print Menu
85 Service Recor
86 Counter Ou
87 Factory Rese
88 Languag
89 Start Styl

200 Open Menu I
201 Auto Powe
202 Amp Mut

90 Last Rese
91 Print Acc. Dat
92 Basic acct
93 Total Acct
94 Clear PTD’
95 View Level
96 SP in Rati
97 Power Cycle

100 Last Rese
101 View CD Orde
102 Print Popularit
103 View Pop. Dat
104 Clear Pop. Dat

110 View By Orde
111 Print Error
112 Playing Error
113 Locked Track
114 Missing Disc
115 Clear Error

120 Pause/Mut
121 Select Typ
122 Rem Playlis
123 Surround Sn
124 Album Selec
125 Cancel Dis
126 Clear Mem
127 Random Sel
128 Backgroun
129 Play List

130 View Error
131 View CPU Test
132 Run Keybrd. Tes
133 Run Display Tes
134 Run Pages Tes
135 View Mech. Test
136 View CPU Error
137 View Kybd Error
138 View Mech Error
139 View Page Error
140 View Wlbx Error
141 Clear Error
142 Run PowerUp Tes
143 Run Inputs Tes
144 Run Outputs Tes
145 Run Index Tes
146 Run Gripper Tes
147 Run Short Tes
148 Test All Dis
149 Run CD Test

150 Run Auto Tes
151 View Repor
152 Print Repor
153 Clear Repor
154 Start MM/DD 00:0
155 Stop MM/DD 00:0
156 Elapsed 000:0
157 View Keybd Error
158 View Mech Error
159 View Page Error
160 View Wlbx Error

170 Recv Call
171 Call Offic
172 Call if Pro
175 Mode
176 TCM Passwor
177 Reset TCM I

210 Internal Am
211 External Am
212 Page Deca
213 Internal Tone E
214 Internal Balanc
215 Internal MLW
216 Internal Loudnes
217 Reset Internal Am
218 Internal Left MLW
219 Internal Right MLW
220 Internal Left Loudnes
221 Internal Right Loudness
222 External Tone EQ
223 External Balance
224 External MLWP
225 External Loudness
226 Reset External Amp
227 External Left MLWP
228 External Right MLWP
229 External Left Loudness
230 External Right Loudness
231 Internal AVC
232 External AVC
2019-02-22 00:52:51 UTC
Sir I have a Harley Davidson rockola CD jukebox with an error code 03 any ideas thanks Brian 615-708-9734
John Robertson
2019-02-22 01:07:34 UTC
Post by b***@gmail.com
Sir I have a Harley Davidson rockola CD jukebox with an error code 03 any ideas thanks Brian 615-708-9734
Start with getting a manual...then check the error codes and let us know
what it means.

A manual will save you all sorts of future grief and gives a list of
part numbers, and other info that is handy. Like the owners manual for a
car, it just makes sense to have one.

Victoryglass.com or possibly Rock-Ola.com can sell you a good copy.

John :-#)#
(Please post followups or tech inquiries to the USENET newsgroup)
John's Jukes Ltd.
MOVED to #7 - 3979 Marine Way, Burnaby, BC, Canada V5J 5E3
(604)872-5757 (Pinballs, Jukes, Video Games)
"Old pinballers never die, they just flip out."
J.B. Wood
2019-02-22 11:22:21 UTC
Post by b***@gmail.com
Sir I have a Harley Davidson rockola CD jukebox with an error code 03 any ideas thanks Brian 615-708-9734
If it ain't playin' vinyl it ain't a jukebox ;-)
J. B. Wood e-mail: ***@hotmail.com