To: Skooters_in_town
Re: I need some leads for cap kits
By: Skooters_in_town to alt.collecting.juke-boxes on Fri Jun 29 2018 07:15 pm
Sk> Well, I'm late as usual. Found out that Vern Tisdale died back in 2013. So
Sk> other than eBay, who offers cap kits for jukeboxes from the 60's that I
Sk> can trust? Or would I drive myself crazy trying to buy them individually?
I just buy the orange drops induvudually when I need them. I keep enough on
hand for emergencies, but thats about it. For electrolitics, I buy them when I
need them if I can find them, If not, I try to rebuild the can to keep it
authintic looking.
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