Seeburg HF100R DIY Cabinet Laminate Kits....
(too old to reply)
2012-11-27 19:03:15 UTC
Seeburg HF100R DIY Cabinet Laminate Kits....

I have 3 or 4 1954 Seeburg HF100R Jukeboxes that I will be restorin
over this winter. I have made jigs/templates and will be cutting ou
Laminate for these specific boxes and I was wondering if there was
demand out there for Seeburg HF 100 R DIY Kits.

The kit will contain all the same pieces found in this photo below minu
the cashbox door piece.

Depending on interest I may be able to offer various colors.

If anyone is interested in buying a kit you can give me a call at 97
962-6654 Thanks Jeff P

|Filename: all_panels800.jpg
|Download: http://www.collectingbanter.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=251

2012-11-29 17:25:30 UTC
Post by JeffP
Seeburg HF100R DIY Cabinet Laminate Kits....
I have 3 or 4 1954 Seeburg HF100R Jukeboxes that I will be restorin
over this winter. I have made jigs/templates and will be cutting ou
Laminate for these specific boxes and I was wondering if there was
demand out there for Seeburg HF 100 R DIY Kits.
The kit will contain all the same pieces found in this photo below minu
the cashbox door piece.
Depending on interest I may be able to offer various colors.
If anyone is interested in buying a kit you can give me a call at 97
962-6654 Thanks Jeff P.
Jeff, any idea how much they would run


2012-11-29 17:41:19 UTC
I'm thinking $250.00 plus whatever it costs to ship from 0745


Terry S
2012-11-30 04:43:25 UTC
I'm interested. Please send details.

2012-11-30 19:39:06 UTC
Post by Terry S
I'm interested. Please send details.
Hi Terry, at this time I am only looking to see if there is enoug
interest in these items for me to offer them out. I have you down as #1
I would need at least 3 people interested in order for me to buy th
materials to create another batch. I usually can get 3 complete sets ou
of 2 sheets of 4 x 8 material in order to do the White and Brown pieces
Thanks for your interest and I hope that 2 or more people decide tha
they want them too


Terry S
2012-12-01 23:05:14 UTC
Jeff -- it sounds like you've made these before? Forgive me if I
should know this, I really don't follow this NG much. But I've had my
R for 5 years now and I need to either get this done or get rid of it.

Do you see this as a relatively easy DIY project? I've never worked
with laminate before. I have done some veneer work.

2012-12-02 05:54:58 UTC
Post by Terry S
Jeff -- it sounds like you've made these before? Forgive me if
should know this, I really don't follow this NG much. But I've had m
R for 5 years now and I need to either get this done or get rid of it
Do you see this as a relatively easy DIY project? I've never worke
with laminate before. I have done some veneer work
Hi Terry,

I looked for your email when you originally said you were interested i
these kits but could not find it. The same situation occured when
looked for another person in this post that suggested that I save hi
Email for a time when I actually have kits available. I am not sure wh
Forum Member Email addresses are not available to me, maybe I have
limited membership

Yes, I have done this quite a few times in the past and I really don'
think its that big of a deal for the general Do It Yourselfer. Gluin
the Laminate pieces is pretty easy if you take your time, but there i
some dis-assembly of the cabinet involved prior to the laminating step.

Please feel free to call me next week if you would like to to discus
this in detail.

I live in Northern New Jersey and if you are also from NJ or closeby an
you would like to stop by, I can show you in person exactly what need
to be done and how you need to do it

P.S. I do not understand what you meant when you said in your last post
"I really don't follow this NG much


Terry S
2012-12-02 15:28:26 UTC
I live in Northern New Jersey and if you are also from NJ or closeby and
you would like to stop by, I can show you in person exactly what needs
to be done and how you need to do it.
"I really don't follow this NG much"
Jeff -- I'm in Minnesota so a visit is unlikely, although the offer is

I read this newsgroup through Google groups, and I simply don't visit
it often - maybe once a week normally. I don't get an email digest.
That's all I meant.

On the other hand, I also read rec.antiques.radio+phono and I visit it
several times daily.

Let me know what laminate pattern you decide on to replace the burl.

2012-12-02 20:52:22 UTC
Post by JeffP
I live in Northern New Jersey and if you are also from NJ or closeb
you would like to stop by, I can show you in person exactly what needs
to be done and how you need to do it.
P.S. I do not understand what you meant when you said in your las
"I really don't follow this NG much"
Jeff -- I'm in Minnesota so a visit is unlikely, although the offer is
I read this newsgroup through Google groups, and I simply don't visit
it often - maybe once a week normally. I don't get an email digest.
That's all I meant.
On the other hand, I also read rec.antiques.radio+phono and I visit it
several times daily.
Let me know what laminate pattern you decide on to replace the burl.
Ha ha ha... "News Group".... That makes total sense now for "NG"...
Thanks... I will keep you posted on the Burl I pick and I am also ope
to suggestions as well.


John Robertson
2012-12-01 03:54:34 UTC
Post by JeffP
Seeburg HF100R DIY Cabinet Laminate Kits....
I have 3 or 4 1954 Seeburg HF100R Jukeboxes that I will be restoring
over this winter. I have made jigs/templates and will be cutting out
Laminate for these specific boxes and I was wondering if there was a
demand out there for Seeburg HF 100 R DIY Kits.
The kit will contain all the same pieces found in this photo below minus
the cashbox door piece.
Depending on interest I may be able to offer various colors.
If anyone is interested in buying a kit you can give me a call at 973
962-6654 Thanks Jeff P.
|Filename: all_panels800.jpg |
|Download: http://www.collectingbanter.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=251|
Have you approached Victory Glass to see if they are interested in
carrying the kits? Can't hurt to talk to them...

John :-#)#
(Please post followups or tech enquiries to the newsgroup)
John's Jukes Ltd. 2343 Main St., Vancouver, BC, Canada V5T 3C9
Call (604)872-5757 or Fax 872-2010 (Pinballs, Jukes, Video Games)
"Old pinballers never die, they just flip out."
2012-12-01 18:34:32 UTC
Hi John,

Thats a great idea, I have bought many things from Victory Glass sinc
1999 so it would be really nice if the checks could go in the opposit
direction for a change. Once I complete my first batch I will definitel
reach out to Denny to see if he has any interest.

Just an update: I have Terry (from this board) interested in a kit and
guy from California who has called me and wants 2 kits so I will b
buying the materials sometime next week.

Just a FYI for all you do it yourselfers:

I really like Formica 7182 Dune Wood for the Whitewash White laminat
pieces and I really like Formica 1136 Chestnut Burl for the Brow
laminate pieces.

Unfortunately, the Formica 1136 Chestnut Burl has been discontinued an
I am currently looking for an alternative.

So if anyone on this Forum has any ideas of a similar looking Bur
substitute, please don't hesitate to post it.

In addition, While I am giving out FYI's, I aslo found that the Ac
Hardware stores carry a Warm Brown Spray Paint that is a dead on Matc
to the Brown found on the inside and rear of the HF100


John Robertson
2012-12-03 02:58:13 UTC
Post by JeffP
Hi John,
Post by JeffP
Unfortunately, the Formica 1136 Chestnut Burl has been discontinued and
I am currently looking for an alternative.

You do realize that you can order custom Formica made...you can get
exactly the burl and colour you want. You would only need a reasonable
number of kits to make this feasible.


John :-#)#
(Please post followups or tech enquiries to the newsgroup)
John's Jukes Ltd. 2343 Main St., Vancouver, BC, Canada V5T 3C9
Call (604)872-5757 or Fax 872-2010 (Pinballs, Jukes, Video Games)
"Old pinballers never die, they just flip out."
2012-12-03 16:33:55 UTC
JeffP wrote:-
Hi John,-
Unfortunately, the Formica 1136 Chestnut Burl has been discontinue
I am currently looking for an alternative. -
You do realize that you can order custom Formica made...you can get
exactly the burl and colour you want. You would only need a reasonable
number of kits to make this feasible.
John :-#)#
(Please post followups or tech enquiries to the newsgroup)
John's Jukes Ltd. 2343 Main St., Vancouver, BC, Canada V5T 3C9
Call (604)872-5757 or Fax 872-2010 (Pinballs, Jukes, Video Games)
"Old pinballers never die, they just flip out."
Thats interesting John....

I deal with a Formica Distributor called "Larkin" in Paramus NJ, I'l
check with them and see if that is a possibility and if it is would i
be cost effective. Thank you for the information... I would have neve
even thought that was possible:)


2012-12-03 19:41:35 UTC
Post by JeffP
Thats interesting John....
I deal with a Formica Distributor called "Larkin" in Paramus NJ, I'l
check with them and see if that is a possibility and if it is would i
be cost effective. Thank you for the information... I would have neve
even thought that was possible:)

Count me in for one of the R kits. Keep me posted on the bur
situation. I have two R's that I want to do this winter also. Will d
one and see how it turns out. Thanks again. Bill

wmdjacobs at the america on the lin


2012-12-12 03:33:03 UTC
Here is an update,

I have finished making the 2 hardest wooden templates For the HR100R.

The White section is dead on accurate when compared with 2 of m
HF100R’s jukeboxes especially in regards to the front edge where i
meets the Brown and the Cash Box door Trim.

I think when you enlarge the photos of the cash box door trim sectio
you will be pleasantly surprised on how nice and small the gap actuall
is between the trim and the White Laminate.

The Brown section is dead on accurate when compared to a late 1990’
leftover kit piece that I had laying around.

I still have to make a jig for the sections that go between the flute
glass pieces and the 2 little strips that go on the top of the Brow
hockey sticks for lack of a better word

Hope you enjoy these pictures.
Talk to you soon.
Jeff P

|Filename: IMG_1156.JPG
|Download: http://www.collectingbanter.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=263

Terry S
2012-12-19 22:43:40 UTC
Post by JeffP
Here is an update,
I have finished making the 2 hardest wooden templates For the HR100R.
The White section is dead on accurate when compared with 2 of my
HF100R’s jukeboxes especially in regards to the front edge where it
meets the Brown and the Cash Box door Trim.
I think when you enlarge the photos of the cash box door trim section
you will be pleasantly surprised on how nice and small the gap actually
is between the trim and the White Laminate.
The Brown section is dead on accurate when compared to a late 1990’s
leftover kit piece that I had laying around.
I still have to make a jig for the sections that go between the fluted
glass pieces and the 2 little strips that go on the top of the Brown
hockey sticks for lack of a better word
Hope you enjoy these pictures.
Talk to you soon.
Jeff P.
|Filename: IMG_1156.JPG                                             |
Jeff, when do you anticipate kits will be available? I could start
taking apart my R, but I don't really want it spread out across the
basement for weeks :-)

2013-01-05 06:09:52 UTC
Hi Jeff, Can't wait for the kit to show up.
Hi Terry, I built the templates and cut the formica pieces ou
already... I checked all the pieces against 2 of my HF100Rs' and the
are a perfect fit..
I bought 20 shipping boxes from Uline http://tinyurl.com/cvn7ns7
and I received them today. With Shipping and Tax for these boxes my bil
was $185.00 so thats $10.00 a box that will be added to the Kit
shipping charges. Multiple kits can definitely fit in one box as thes
boxes are 200# test and are adjustable up to 6 inches in depth.
I built a jig to heat the brown pieces up so that they can be bent
Luckily I used scrap pieces of burl to test this procedure because
cracked a few pieces and melted a few others. I think I finally figure
out how hot the gun needs to be and how long the heat needs to b
At his point I bought one 4 x 8 sheet of White and one 4 x 8 sheet o
Brown which gave me 3 sets of White materials and 4 or 5 sets of Brow
So I basically have 3 complete kits at this time.
Given that, I have 2 sets sold to Jay from California which leaves m
with one set left over from the first batch.
The 3rd set will go on a first come first go basis based upon who'
check clears first.
At this point, all the hard work has been done and all the ducks ar
lined up so I can reproduce these kits with a few days turnaround. Thi
is possible because all the materials are readily available from m
local distributor and all the templates and jigs are already made an
have been proven.
Oh... I still have to cut out the little pieces that go on the ends o
the title strip holders as well as the pieces that go between the flute
glasses and top and front side of the Brown Hockey sticks. This proces
should go pretty quickly as I purchased a heavy duty Guillotine cutte
specifically for these pieces.
So to answer your question, If you send me the $250.00 plus the boxin
and shipping fees from 07456 to your house, even if I dont have a ki
made when I receive the money, by the time the check clears I shoul
have a kit ready for shipping.
2 kits for Jay from California, Have email, shipping address and phon
1 kit for WildBill, Have email
1 kit for Nmacrae from Minnesota, Have email
1 kit for Terry S, Have no information
1 kit for CoinOpNY, Have email, shipping address and phone number
1 kit for Nigel from UK, Have email
1 kit (Maybe) for Dziedzk, Have email
Just as a side note.... my kits will come with a 100% Satisfaction
Guarantee.... If for any reason anyone who buys a kit from me is no
satisfied for any reason, As long as they return the entire kit to me
un-used, I will gladly reimburse them the money spent for the kit.
You are always welcome to contact me over the phone with any question
TribalRoadKing “insert at sign” OptOnline “insert dot” Net
Payments can also be made using "PayPal"
Thanks for your interest
Jeff Pluchino
68 Cheshire Lane
Ringwood NJ 07456
973 962-665

2013-01-05 19:54:35 UTC
Post by TimS
Hi Jeff, Can't wait for the kit to show up
Hey Tim... Its in transit...

Scheduled Delivery
Thursday, 01/10/2013, By End of Da

I sent you the UPS tracking numbers,

Let me know when it arrives :


2013-01-09 22:54:08 UTC
Hey Tim... Its in transit....
Thursday, 01/10/2013, By End of Day
I sent you the UPS tracking numbers,
Let me know when it arrives :)
Hi Jeff,

The kit arrived a little while ago. Excellent packing job by the way!
I got everything out of the box and laid it on the floor...OUTSTANDING!
What craftsmanship.... The burl is beautiful, and the white is perfect
Everything looks perfectly cut and should look fantastic on a grade on
"R". I sent pics to another gentleman here in AZ who doe

Anyone who buys this kit will be 100% satisfied. All I need now is th
R to put it on...sometimes it seems like I am chasing a unicorn.

Thanks Jeff

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Loading Image...]
Loading Image...


2013-01-10 00:16:25 UTC
Post by TimS
Hi Jeff,
The kit arrived a little while ago. Excellent packing job by the way!
I got everything out of the box and laid it on the floor...OUTSTANDING!
What craftsmanship.... The burl is beautiful, and the white is perfect
Everything looks perfectly cut and should look fantastic on a grade on
"R". I sent pics to another gentleman here in AZ who doe
Anyone who buys this kit will be 100% satisfied. All I need now is th
R to put it on...sometimes it seems like I am chasing a unicorn.
Thanks Jeff
Thank you so much for the positive feedback Tim!

I am so happy that you like it.

Please keep me in the loop for your quest in looking for an R and I wil
continue to look for an "R" for you as well...


2013-01-26 04:15:27 UTC
Just an update....

I recently sold all of the laminate kits that I previously ha

Today I picked up all the materials necessary for another batch of abou
10 HF100R laminate kits...

This batch will be using the same Burl that I used in the past bu
instead of using the Burl in a Matte finish, I went ahead and "Specia
Ordered" the same Burl in a Glossy Finish

I really like the way this Burl looks in a Glossy Finish and I am sur
that you will too

In addition, Unless you are one of those people that are on my waitin
list for a kit, All new kits will be $325.00 plus Shipping and Handlin
and PayPal expenses

Just as a side note....
My kits will come with a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee....
If for any reason anyone who buys a kit from me is not 100% Satisfie
for any reason,
As long as they return the entire kit to me Un-Used,
I will gladly reimburse them the money spent for the kit

You are always welcome to contact me over the phone with any question
that you may have or you can also email me at

TribalRoadKing “insert at sign” OptOnline “inser
dot” Ne

Payments can be made using "PayPal"

Thanks for your interes

Jeff Pluchin
68 Cheshire Lan
Ringwood NJ 0745
973 962-665


Joseph 'Tony' Dziedzic
2012-12-01 16:21:35 UTC
Looks nice; I'm possibly interested.

Can you describe the laminate cut / fitment in more detail? It looks like it
will fit UNDER the side chrome, is that correct? Ditto for the side speakers?
How is the fit around the coin door frame? i.e., is the frame visible once
the laminate is installed, or does the laminate cover all/some of the frame?

How thick is the laminate? (I know someone in years past offered a laminate
kit with material that was somewhat thinner than the stuff normally used for
glue-up counter tops.) Are the bottoms of the side inset pieces curved in the
kit or do I have to form them on site?

I don't visit this group frequently, so feel free to keep my e-mail address on
file if you get enough interest to produce these kits.

Joseph "Tony" Dziedzic
Post by JeffP
Seeburg HF100R DIY Cabinet Laminate Kits....
I have 3 or 4 1954 Seeburg HF100R Jukeboxes that I will be restoring
over this winter. I have made jigs/templates and will be cutting out
Laminate for these specific boxes and I was wondering if there was a
demand out there for Seeburg HF 100 R DIY Kits.
The kit will contain all the same pieces found in this photo below minus
the cashbox door piece.
Depending on interest I may be able to offer various colors.
If anyone is interested in buying a kit you can give me a call at 973
962-6654 Thanks Jeff P.
|Filename: all_panels800.jpg |
|Download: http://www.collectingbanter.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=251|
2012-12-01 21:15:14 UTC
Post by Joseph 'Tony' Dziedzic
Looks nice; I'm possibly interested
Can you describe the laminate cut / fitment in more detail? It look
like it
will fit UNDER the side chrome, is that correct? Ditto for the sid
How is the fit around the coin door frame? i.e., is the frame visibl
the laminate is installed, or does the laminate cover all/some of th
How thick is the laminate? (I know someone in years past offered
kit with material that was somewhat thinner than the stuff normally use
glue-up counter tops.) Are the bottoms of the side inset pieces curve
in the
kit or do I have to form them on site
I don't visit this group frequently, so feel free to keep my e-mai
address on
file if you get enough interest to produce these kits
Joseph "Tony" Dziedz
Hi Tony,

You are correct, the laminate will fit under the chrome Boomerangs a
well as the Side Speakers, the Coin Return Cup and the Cash Box Doo
Trim. The laminate will go under the Cash Box door Trim, So to answe
your question... Your Cash Box Door Trim will be completely visible

The laminate will be 1/32 thick or 20 Mil. This is necessary as the 1/1
thick 10 Mil material that is generally used on countertops is to
thick, especially for the Brown pieces when you apply heat to them i
order to bend them around the lower front feet

I will be building another jig in order to pre bend the 2 front Brow
pieces. I know that this procedure is a difficult process for th
general Do It Yourselfer and I feel that if I can pre bend them I ca
make the installation process a whole lot easier

At this point, I have a total of 6 kits to make, 3 for me and 3 for
people in the group so this project is a go.... I should have somethin
available in the next few weeks depending on availablity of the Brow
Burl that I cannot seem to find at this time

Thanks for the Great Questions..


2012-12-02 19:57:29 UTC
Post by JeffP
Hi Tony,
You are correct, the laminate will fit under the chrome Boomerangs a
well as the Side Speakers, the Coin Return Cup and the Cash Box Doo
Trim. The laminate will go under the Cash Box door Trim, So to answe
your question... Your Cash Box Door Trim will be completely visible.
The laminate will be 1/32 thick or 20 Mil. This is necessary as the 1/1
thick 10 Mil material that is generally used on countertops is to
thick, especially for the Brown pieces when you apply heat to them i
order to bend them around the lower front feet.
I will be building another jig in order to pre bend the 2 front Brow
pieces. I know that this procedure is a difficult process for th
general Do It Yourselfer and I feel that if I can pre bend them I ca
make the installation process a whole lot easier.
At this point, I have a total of 6 kits to make, 3 for me and 3 for
people in the group so this project is a go.... I should have somethin
available in the next few weeks depending on availablity of the Brow
Burl that I cannot seem to find at this time.
Thanks for the Great Questions...
I have a Correction to what I said previously:

The laminate will fit under the chrome Boomerangs as well as the Sid
Speakers and the Coin Return Cup as stated earlier with one exception.

The laminate will not go under the Cash Box Door Trim as stated earlier
Instead, it will be cut in such a fashion that will allow it to Butt u
Flush with the Cash Box door Trim making the Cash Box door Trim appea
to be recessed


2019-12-27 03:07:54 UTC
Post by JeffP
Seeburg HF100R DIY Cabinet Laminate Kits....
I have 3 or 4 1954 Seeburg HF100R Jukeboxes that I will be restoring
over this winter. I have made jigs/templates and will be cutting out
Laminate for these specific boxes and I was wondering if there was a
demand out there for Seeburg HF 100 R DIY Kits.
The kit will contain all the same pieces found in this photo below minus
the cashbox door piece.
Depending on interest I may be able to offer various colors.
If anyone is interested in buying a kit you can give me a call at 973
962-6654 Thanks Jeff P.
|Filename: all_panels800.jpg |
|Download: http://www.collectingbanter.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=251|
Yes, I am definitely interested in the DYI kit for the R. Please let me know if you do it. Thanks
Jay Hennigan
2020-01-02 08:47:19 UTC
Post by d***@gmail.com
Yes, I am definitely interested in the DYI kit for the R. Please let
me know if you do it. Thanks
Jeff Pluchino has been making them for quite a while, excellent quality.