NSM Satellite 200 - Carriage or CCU
(too old to reply)
2016-10-25 14:17:07 UTC
I purchased a non-working 1982 NSM satellite 200 in excellent shape.
Initially the carriage wouldn't move. I replaced a burnt-out relay o
the CCU. Now the carriage will track to a 45, load it, needle arm wil
move into position, and then the 45 is rejected, and the carriage wil
track about 10 spaces right and stop. No error codes. The needle ar
will also not change position to select A or B side of a 45. Also, whe
I use the test button on the CCU, the carriage will move and the counte
will go up to 250, after which it restarts at 200. Does anyone have an
advice on whether this is a carriage problem, or still a fault on th
CCU? Any suggestions

2016-11-20 17:09:29 UTC
Found part of the problem - a weak solder joint on the led board on th
carriage. It was producing the same result as if it was at the end o
the record. I missed something in reassembling the carriage though. Doe
anyone have a good photo of the underside of an esiii carriage? I hav
Post by AndrewG
I purchased a non-working 1982 NSM satellite 200 in excellent shape.
Initially the carriage wouldn't move. I replaced a burnt-out relay o
the CCU. Now the carriage will track to a 45, load it, needle arm wil
move into position, and then the 45 is rejected, and the carriage wil
track about 10 spaces right and stop. No error codes. The needle ar
will also not change position to select A or B side of a 45. Also, whe
I use the test button on the CCU, the carriage will move and the counte
will go up to 250, after which it restarts at 200. Does anyone have an
advice on whether this is a carriage problem, or still a fault on th
CCU? Any suggestions
2018-09-02 00:54:43 UTC
I know this is old but which led were you having problems with? I can’t get led203 to light up on my nsm satellite 200. Fuses are all good.
2018-11-25 16:12:33 UTC
I did have problems with led 203 but it's been a few years since I tinkered with it. I know I replaced the relays to fix the not tracking problem, and the vr's on the ends of the boards to fix the voltage drop problem. I replaced the 200 0hm ceramic resistor as well - that might have fixed led 203. I left it for a few years as I couldn't solve issues with the carriage. Sent the carriage off to Tennessee to be rebuilt. Now I'm back with issues of not tracking the record numbers properly - error ff. if you start to tinker keep a record of what you've done in case you take a break and can't remember how you fixed something...
2016-11-20 22:15:14 UTC
Post by AndrewG
I purchased a non-working 1982 NSM satellite 200 in excellent shape.
Initially the carriage wouldn't move. I replaced a burnt-out relay o
the CCU. Now the carriage will track to a 45, load it, needle arm wil
move into position, and then the 45 is rejected, and the carriage wil
track about 10 spaces right and stop. No error codes. The needle ar
will also not change position to select A or B side of a 45. Also, whe
I use the test button on the CCU, the carriage will move and the counte
will go up to 250, after which it restarts at 200. Does anyone have an
advice on whether this is a carriage problem, or still a fault on th
CCU? Any suggestions?
could you post a photo or email a photo of the control unit, I thin
there is a fusible resistor (ceramic type) on the unit which can open a
its wire lead but can be resoldered, I know I had a satellite before an
this caused records to select and reject straight away, also check tha
the reject button wiring to the remote is ok

2016-11-23 14:49:55 UTC
Thanks for the advice. I replaced the 200-ohm resistor. The player n
longer rejects the record immediately. It will play, but about 3
seconds later, the power begins to cut in and out. I suspect it is
leaky capacitor on the CCU. It only happens when the record is playing
so I suspect its being triggered by the playback motor.

Post by seancalla
could you post a photo or email a photo of the control unit, I thin
there is a fusible resistor (ceramic type) on the unit which can open a
its wire lead but can be resoldered, I know I had a satellite before an
this caused records to select and reject straight away, also check tha
the reject button wiring to the remote is ok
2016-11-25 04:50:48 UTC
Solved other problems but now when the carriage scans it won't stop a
the correct selection. It scans left and right no problem but it wil
just keep scanning. It counts up and down correctly but won't stop. An

2016-11-27 13:21:19 UTC
Post by AndrewG
Solved other problems but now when the carriage scans it won't stop a
the correct selection. It scans left and right no problem but it wil
just keep scanning. It counts up and down correctly but won't stop. An
is the trip relay and trip solenoid operating when the carriage scan
past the selectio

2016-11-27 15:27:38 UTC
No. The solenoid isn't activating.. if I manually force it into positio
the unit will select whatever record it's at and play it but when it'
done it won't release position. just reloads record again. The thre
relays on the board have all been replaced.

is the trip relay and trip solenoid operating when the carriage scan
past the selectio
